The International Computer Engineering Experience Program is an opportunity for Cal Poly and Princeton students to apply their technical knowledge in an international context and to increase global citizenship across campus.
Sunday, July 8, 2012
ICEX Program featured in Think Magazine
Thursday, March 29, 2012
Back Home! (and missing Malta...)
I am still amazed at the type of learning and success achieved. As a team we collect data in the field (sometimes literally a field, other times in castle tunnels...), we manage the data, we develop algorithms to process the data, and we use these algorithms to produce archeological maps (all before the day's end). As usual, the students have impressed me with their ability to do this in a foreign setting. Lets hope we get lucky again next year...
Thanks again!
Ciao Ciao!
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Goodbye Everyone
As Austin and Anna have already said, I also really enjoyed the trip to Malta and am very thankful for this unique opportunity to not only travel to a different country and learn about their culture and history as well as collaborating with all the students and professors from Cal Poly. Even though we came late, the Cal Poly students helped us become comfortable in this new environment quickly and answered any questions we had.
Even though I appreciate the comfort of my own room, I really do miss working with everyone in Malta (coding at night, taking data and doing outreach during the day, and playing cards on those rare nights people unglued themselves from their computer screens). The most important things I learned was how to adapt to unexpected problems in the field and to persevere no matter what. There were many examples where we had to improvise, like when we could not get into a site in Mdina or when it seemed like we would not be able to find the shipwreck, but we tried new things and eventually worked through it.
This trip was stressful at times, but also strangely relaxing, not having to worry about other classes or meetings or having to answer a hundred emails a day. It's too bad we couldn't stay for longer and get to know Jane and Zoey better! Thanks for sharing with us your experiences and I hope to see some of you guys again in the future!
Monday, March 26, 2012
Goodbye, and thanks for all the fish!
Computer Science and Information Technology in Malta Part 2
One could argue that the status of Computer Science and Information Technology in Malta all starts with education. The University of Malta offers a three year full time Bachelor's Degree, a five year part time Bachelor's Degree and a two year Master's Degree. The Master's Degree can either be awarded based on research or teaching[2]. For a Ph. D., Dr. Montebello said that it is more customary for students to travel abroad but recently the University of Malta has started offering some Ph. D.'s in the fields of Computer Science and Information Technology[3].
I asked him about the change in the number of students in the department. He replied that the number of students have increased over the past 10 years but just very recently has plateaued and started to decline[3]. When questioned as to the cause of this phenomena he believed that the number of students has reached its maximum for the country[3]. I also asked him about the number of women students in the department and he estimated it to be less than 10%[3].
He also told me that since Malta is such a small country, much of the faculty have contacts in industry. This allows the them to arrange job placement within industry for many of the students. Industry is itself so important to the Information and Communication Technology Department of the University of Malta that they have their own committee dedicated to it[3].
We then started to discuss the industry itself. He told me that there is a massive demand for developers especially in testing and Information Technology consulting[3]. He also mentioned that casino style gaming is one heavily present part of industry in Malta[3].
It turns out that Information and Communication Technology isn't just important to the university but also to the Maltese government. They even have a Ministry for Investment, Industry and Information Technology[1]. Dr. Montebello even told me that the Maltese Government have made a push for international companies to come to Malta with laws exempting these companies from taxation upon for building a branch in Malta[3].
From my research I believe that I can conclude that Computer Science and Information Technology has been and will be a significant industry in Malta as seen by the advantages of the few resources needed, the investment in research in both the public and private sectors, the status of education and the role the government is taking in the industry.
Works Sited
[1]"Department of Information." Department of Information. Web. 26 Mar. 2012.
[2] "Faculty of ICT - Faculty of ICT - University of Malta." University of Malta. Web. 26 Mar. 2012. <>.
[3] "Interview with Dr. Matthew Montebello." Personal interview. 23 Mar. 2012
Continuing the Water Battle
In Dr. Gordon Knox’s article “Water – A Crisis?” published in October 2008, 2.5% of Earth’s surface water is in the form of freshwater, the rest is considered salt water. Of the 2.5%, 68.9% is locked in ice, 30.8% is groundwater and 0.3% is in lakes and rivers spread across the world. A very small amount of freshwater is available for the world, and we are running out.
The last few days in Malta were jam packed with information about Malta's position and future concerning water and the limited amount within the boundaries of the tiny country. The Malta Water Association is focusing on spreading the awareness about the critical condition that Malta is in. I was able to meet with 4 of the about 15 members of the Malta Water Association (MWA) and discuss their opinions.
In an interview, Mr. Julian Mamo, Water Engineer and Member of the MWA, described the decrease in knowledge about water scarcity. He described how his grandparents were very aware of the water levels, because they were required to use the rivers and cisterns spread throughout the island. When the three reverse osmosis plants that currently run were built, however, many people stopped worrying about water. Where as before you had to walk down to the local cistern or river, now all that needed to be done was turn the faucet on. Water became more accessible, more easily attainable, and therefore less of a concern.
According to the members of the MWA, Malta's freshwater aquifers will not last, with it even being predicted that it's end will be during our lifetime. There are two freshwater aquifers in Malta, the Perched and the Mean Sea Level. The Perched Aquifer sits above Malta's Blue Clay layer and the Mean Sea Level lies just under the island, above the very salty, very dense sea water of the Mediterranean and under the Lower Coralline Limestone layer.
In the recent past and today, the freshwater aquifers are being depleted faster than they can be replenished by rainwater, due to numerous boreholes that have been drilled through the layers of rock and clay and pump up unknown amounts of water daily. There are about 8,000 registered boreholes, with thousands of other unregistered, and unwatched. One would think that the solution, then, is simple; register all the boreholes and use technology to watch the amounts of water that are being pumped up through them. However, questions arise on how to do this. How would you find every unregistered borehole? Could you make people register something they don’t claim to have? How much money would have to go into a project like this to see a successful completion? The answer: a lot. Short of visiting every home in Malta, there is no for sure way to record how many boreholes there are or whether or not people have them.
According to “Water – A Crisis?” in 2007, the measured ground water that was being extracted through registered boreholes was about 13.4 million cubic meters per year. Estimating for the unregistered boreholes, add 16 million cubic meters and there is a grand total of about 29.4 million cubic meters per year being pumped up from the freshwater aquifers.
Another threat to the aquifers is contamination. The Perched Aquifer sits just below many farms and fields, and with the increasing use of pesticides and chemicals for growing crops is in danger of being contaminated. The chemicals used for plants and fertilizers seep down through the rock layers and into the Perched Aquifer, and as Dr. Gordon Knox stated during an interview, once an aquifer is contaminated, there is nothing you can do to clean it there. You would need to pump up the water and clean it through a plant, taking millions of dollars and a lot of time.
The Mean Sea Level Aquifer is also in danger of being contaminated, but by multiple factors. The first factor is the same as the Perched Aquifer, chemicals from fertilizers and pesticides. In the same way that the chemicals seep through to get to the Perched Aquifer, the Mean Sea Level Aquifer has chemicals dripping into it through the rock layers above. It has been estimated that it can take up to 40 years for the farming chemicals to filter through the rock layers and into the aquifers, which means that the chemicals that are reaching the aquifers now, are from the 1970s. Usage of chemicals and pesticides has only increased since that time, which would implicate that there are many more chemicals dripping through the rock and will infiltrate the aquifer in the near future.
As if this wasn’t concerning enough, another factor that plays a large role in the contamination of the Mean Sea Level Aquifer is the sea itself. The freshwater that sits above the dense, salty seawater is a lens, protected by the bottommost rock layer. Currently only the edges of the freshwater lens gets contaminated by the salt water, however as the freshwater is depleted, more and more freshwater is mixed with salt water, making the aquifer less and less usable for the Maltese without first going through the reverse osmosis plants, taking time and money.
There are numerous other opinions and questions that arise when discussing the Malta water situation. However, one detail has come up time and time again, something must be done. The MWA specifically is trying to spread awareness about the increasingly concerning situation. The educational system has also begun to put effort into changing this lack of awareness, by adding a new chapter to the teaching curriculum and teaching young children about water and Malta. Thus the process has begun, but its not enough. For people to simply be aware isn’t enough to solve the problem, action must be taken and taken quickly.
The future of Malta at this moment is cloudy. There is no way to confidently predict what will happen when. So whether Malta will be able to begin saving its aquifers and using its own water or whether the reverse osmosis plants will be run at full power and glass bottles of water will be continually shipped from Italy, is uncertain. At the rate that Malta is going, it seems that rescued aquifers are a long shot and the reverse osmosis plants will need to increase production to serve the islands of Malta.
Saturday, March 24, 2012
St. Edwards College
In conjunction with the outreach, three of the students explored 2 cisterns at the school during the outreach and then we all explored another cistern in the recess area. The St. Edward's College students that were on recess at the time were very intrigued by the robots and couldn't help but try and get as close to the computer screen as possible.
The cisterns were interesting and can be seen in the images below. We had some trouble with the last cistern. The tether got wrapped around a pipe, which limited how far we could explore. We didn't figure this out till we were pulling the robot out of the cistern. In future expeditions to Malta, this site will be on the list.
Cistern 1
Cistern 2
Cistern 3
Friday, March 23, 2012
Outreach at University of Malta
Shipwreck Hunt
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Water and Farming: Final Reflections
The main issue at the moment is water quality in the main aquifer. As mentioned in my last post, the main aquifer is a large lens of freshwater that is perched just above sea level. High extraction rates have reduced the lens of water to the point where some wells are drawing brackish water. Obviously, salt and plants do not mix well. This is becoming an increasingly severe problem for farmers who rely on the lower aquifer for fresh water. The question at the moment seems to be how long it will take for the fresh water lens to collapse to the point where it is unusable, and then how long it will take for the lens to recover. Even if extraction were stopped today, members of the Malta Water Association think that it will take a number of years for the lens to recover.
The need for the aquifer to replenish itself brings up the topic of alternative sources of water. The most plentiful alternative at this point is recycled sewage water, or gray water. Three sewage water treatment plants have already been built on Malta, but the water from them is not being utilized. The water could be either further refined and reintroduced into the main water system, or piped out separately to farms. Unfortunately, while the plans exist to utilize this gray water for farming, the funding is not yet available.
In the event that water from boreholes becomes too salty to use and farmers are required to use water from a central system they would probably need to pay for it. Despite a probable discount for water used on agriculture, it would be important for farmers to consider the economics of the crops that they grew. As Dr. Knox pointed out, certain crops take more water, and other crops take less water. For Malta, it would be best for farmers to choose crops that take the least water to grow and leave the other crops to be grown abroad and imported. After all, some areas of the world have much more rain water than Malta. These are places that are ideal for growing water intensive crops without environmental impact.
Because so few people recognize the water problem on Malta it will be difficult to prevent the degradation of the central aquifer. As a result, at some point in the future, farmers may be required to take water from a central system which will limit the types of crops they can grow economically.
One more issue that I found out about is the entrance of nitrates into the lower aquifer. Nitrates can come from both sewer water and fertilizers. Unfortunately, the water in the aquifer is already unfit for human consumption because of these nitrates. This means that continued use of chemical fertilizers could further damage the lower aquifer. This is an unsustainable and unwise course of action. Instead, organic farming methods could be used, which avoid the use of chemical fertilizers.
As mentioned in prior posts, the government has not heavily promoted organic farming to either the population or the farmers. Standard consumers do not look for the organic label, and the majority of farmers have not bothered to become organically certified. Organic farming, however, should be encouraged to reduce the amount of contamination in the lower aquifer, among other reasons.
Based upon the information I collected this week, I think that water is going to be an increasingly difficult issue for farmers. Those who rely on water from the central aquifer and not from cisterns might need to make some adjustments to keep their farms economical. It will also be important for all farmers to consider using organic fertilizers to reduce the contamination of the central aquifer. I doubt that Maltese farming will die out, but I do think adjustments should be made to compensate for the current state of the environment.
I would like to thank Keith Buhagiar, Dr. Gorden Knox, Julian Mamo, and Philip Grech for taking the time to talk to me about water and farming this week.
Finishing Up!

A History of Post-Secondary Maltese Engineering Educations
Last week, the ICEX faculty had the opportunity to meet Professor Carmel Pulè, faculty in the Department of Electronics Systems Engineering at the University of Malta. Dr. Pulè has played an influential role in the development of engineering education in Malta during the last 45 years. He graciously shared his contact information with the faculty, and I contacted him by email earlier this week to ask him about the similarities and differences of the engineering educations provided by MCAST and University of Malta.
His response was fiery and passionate, but well informed and based on an experience with the Maltese education system that few others have had. I’m lucky to be able to hear his story, and am excited to share it. The following is a summary of his account of the history of the Maltese engineering education. It largely focuses on the history of the development of the different engineering degrees offered today by the University of Malta and the Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST). In my next and final blog post, I will discuss some of the statistics concerning the two post-secondary schools and elaborate on the ways in which this history has affected each institution.
**Some comments about the Institutions of Education in Malta by Professor Carmel Pulè (18 Mar 2012), summarized by Erik Nelson **
Malta lived under British rule for around 150 years (up until 1964), so most of the economy was devoted to establishing and maintaining a skilled workforce for military needs. The British established their own schools in Malta that trained Maltese students in naval studies, military technique, and other similar forms of education. Of these schools, the Dockyard Naval School at Senglea was the best, manned by extremely qualified British teachers. Most students graduating from this school followed a six-year trade apprenticeship and the best students were given an opportunity to go to Britain and proceed to work at Chatham, Devonport, and Portsmouth. Some of these highly skilled Maltese would then return to Malta. (Note: The important role of the Dockyard Naval School as a site of technical education had previously been highlighted for us by Timmy Gambin during our tour of the Maritime Museum the first week.)
In addition to the post-secondary educational opportunities provided by the British military, in the time period prior to independence in 1964, there was the old University of Malta, which had been established by the Knights of Saint John 400 years earlier. At the time, the university focused on arts, culture, and education in the traditional professions of law, medicine, and religion. It offered no Engineering courses. (Research prior to our trip indicates that the size of the student population at the University in the 1950s was approximately 200 students per year.) This lack of attention to technical education was mirrored in Maltese teacher training colleges and at the Lyceum – the “junior college” that students attended in between secondary education and enrollment at the University of Malta.
Since the University of Malta did not provide any engineering degrees, pathways to technical education that were not provided by the British military were largely apprenticeship-based. A number of vocational schools were established beginning in 1945. However, these trade schools were not primarily focused on producing academically trained engineers. (An exception to the lower-level vocational-only focus was the Technical College at Paula, which offered Ordinary and Higher National Certificates and Journey Men Certificates and produced students who were able to compete successfully against other students in the British Commonwealth and whose degrees were recognized abroad.)
Up until 1960 (aside from the years of World War II), life in Malta was tranquil. The country had gotten used to its tie to Britain, and had sufficient economic influx to maintain its peaceful lifestyle. However, circa 1960 it became clear that Britain would not be able to continue financial support for its ‘oversea empire’, including Malta. Maltese politicians and educators became aware of this, and realized that secondary and post-secondary education should be shifted in such a way that the product of the University of Malta would be a labor force for a self-supporting nation. This labor force would be, by necessity, largely composed of engineers. The University of Malta did not agree with this outlook, and continued to offer its traditional degrees while rejecting the development of courses in engineering.
Meanwhile, Britain (in conjunction with UNESCO) decided to finance a new technical institution in Malta called the Malta College of Arts, Science, and Technology (MCAST). The goal of this new college was the same as the goal of the aforementioned Maltese politicians: to produce workers whose skills would be useful to a competitive independent economy post-independence. The subjects included were mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, tourism, finances, accounting, and economics.
After independence in 1964, the Maltese government did force the University of Malta to offer degrees in engineering. Students who could meet the admittance qualifications at the University of Malta – which involved Religious and Maltese Language qualifications – were able to earn B.Sc degrees in engineering at the University. Students who did not meet the Religious and Maltese Language qualifications were able to earn a Diploma in Engineering at
MCAST instead by taking the same coursework. Professors from MCAST – such as Professor Pulè, who had returned from England in 1969 to take a leadership position at MCAST – were required to teach the B.Sc as well as the Diploma students, but were not offered any additional compensation for doing so (in contrast to the medical doctors at St. Luke’s who also taught at the University and received additional salary). For Professor Pulè, who was the first Maltese to earn a PhD in engineering, this continued lack of respect for academically focused engineering education by the University was incredibly frustrating.
Thus, while the University had yielded to the government in a sense, it still refused to shift its focus from the arts, culture, and traditional professions of medicine, law, and religion to the work that Professor Pulè and the Maltese government had identified as necessary – producing a highly skilled, technically focused workforce for an independent Malta. The University also continued to refuse to offer degrees in finances and accounting or to increase attention to the training of secondary teachers who were qualified in technical fields.
The situation came to a head in 1978, when the Maltese government (under the leadership of Prime Minister Mintoff) cut funding to the University of Malta because of its refusal to make these changes. The “Old University” literally disappeared from the map. MCAST was shut down at nearly the same time, and its entire staff, all of its students, and its subjects were transferred to the “New University of Malta.” The New University had roughly ten times as many students as the Old University (a total of 10,000 students), and initially focused only on offering degrees with direct economic benefit (such as engineering and tourism). As Professor Pulè put it, “the modern professors [had] stepped in to University surroundings.” Many faculty members from the Old University left Malta and took positions in England and Saudi Arabia.
Beginning in the 1980s, the (New) University of Malta began to expand its focus to teach all the old subjects plus the new subjects of Engineering, Science, Mathematics and Computer Science. Today, the University has many associated subject institutes focused on topics such as sustainable energy. However, in Professor Pulè’s opinion, even the technical courses in today’s University of Malta have become too soft and theoretical, with not enough emphasis on hands-on work and hardware. Its engineering degrees have less lab-based courses than most other universities, and the work with computers largely focuses on accounting, economics, banking, video games, and personal media communication rather than embedded systems, image processing, and robotics. According to Professor Pulè, this means that Malta has recently lost out on investing and manufacturing opportunities with international companies such as Lufthansa.
Thus, Professor Pulè began to work in the 1990s for the opening of a new MCAST that would provide more hands-on education. The goal of this process was to produce high-caliber engineers who have a firm technical and hands-on background. His desire came true, and the “New MCAST” opened in 2000.
However, Professor Pulè is not entirely satisfied with the new MCAST. According to him, the new MCAST had a slow start due to the fact that it was under staffed and poorly funded. Initially, instructors from the old trade schools were hired, many of whom did not have proper university qualifications. Additionally, Professor Pulè believes that the examination standards of MCAST are not sufficient. While MCAST offers ample hands-on training, Professor Pulè has found the opposite problem from the new University of Malta: the coursework of MCAST is not theoretical in the least. For example, MCAST’s course in Plant Maintenance does not include thermodynamics – a topic necessary to the class. While Professor Pulè was excited that Professor Maurice Grech was brought in to take over MCAST approximately five years ago, he is concerned that the degrees awarded by MCAST are not equivalent to engineering degrees at other universities. More broadly, Professor Pulè is concerned that the standards of admission to both MCAST and the University of Malta, and examination while at university, are too low.
Today Professor Pulè remains hopeful about the development of his vision of high quality engineering education in Malta. He continues to believe that Malta must produce high-caliber, technically focused, creative engineers, educated via a combination of theoretical and hands-on training in order to create a truly independent and successful Malta. At the same time, Professor Pulè sees a continued role for vocational training. Above all, Professor Pulè wants Malta, its government and its citizens, to commit to the hard work of the development of a practical workforce and to maintaining high standards in its educational system.
[1] Pulè, Carmel. "A Few Questions about MCAST vs. University of Malta." E- mail interview. 18 Mar. 2012.
Wednesday, March 21, 2012
Water and Farming in Malta
Note that boreholes are used to retrieve ground water from the lower aquifer that is common to all of Malta. Fresh ground water may be pumped from a layer of water that resides in the limestone of the island just above sea-level. These boreholes are different from the wells, cisterns, and water galleries that we have been studying with our ROV on this trip. Those features are used to store water locally, while boreholes draw from the common aquifer.
The other main source of water on Malta is from reverse osmosis plants. The water from these plants is fed into the main pipe system and then delivered to everyone across Malta. Part of the current issue is that some people would rather extract water from boreholes than pay to get it out of the main system.
There are typically two viewpoints behind water usage in Malta. The first viewpoint is that water is a public resource that is to be used by anyone and everyone as they see fit. They would argue that if someone took the time to drill a borehole into the water reserves, that person should be able to use the water from that borehole as they please. Another idea is that once the government is given the power to meter water, they will not be able to give up that power. Eventually, water will be controlled to the point of rationing for everyone on the island, which they think should be unacceptable to everyone. These are just a few of the comments I found on the Malta Times website in conjunction with articles related to water metering.
I would tend to agree, however, with those who feel that water should be conserved for the future of Malta. At the moment a number of companies are taking unfair advantage of the water supplies for their own benefit. Bottling companies regularly extract large amounts of water from the reservoirs to avoid the expenses of reverse osmosis. Similarly, some hotels, laundry mats, and swimming pool owners take an unfair advantage of this scarce resource. One estimate in an article from the Times of Malta put the extraction rate at 40,000 liters of water per minute. With metering on boreholes everyone would need to pay the same rate for water so that no one bottling company would have an advantage over others because of easier access to water.
Now, the question to ask is how does this relate to farming? Farming takes a lot of water, and metering boreholes would mean that farmers are required to pay for their crop water. Obviously, those who support free water for everyone would support farmers in continued water extraction. It is important to note that those who favor metering seem to support farmers as well. In particular, some of the comments in favor of metering cite the fact that farmers rely on aquifer water to grow their crops and in recent years the water has become increasingly salty due to over extraction. Other comments indicated that farmers should not need to pay for water because they already have a difficult time competing with larger agricultural countries like Spain. In short, I didn’t find any negative comments about farming, which supports the idea that the Maltese want to keep farming on Malta.
I looked at a number of activist groups to find more perspectives on the water and farming situation. The most interesting group that I found was the Malta Water Association. They argue that Malta’s lower aquifer is deteriorating every year and that action is needed to correct the situation. With regard to farming, they suggest that the government invest in the development of Treated Sewage Effluent systems and then supply the resulting water to farmers as an alternative to water from boreholes. They suggest that all boreholes should be metered, including agricultural boreholes, to measure the amounts of water that are being drawn from the lower aquifer. They recommend that all non-agricultural boreholes should be immediately closed to prevent further damage to the aquifer. Finally, they want the government to establish a national Agriculture Policy to regulate crop irrigation. All of this suggests that the group supports agriculture, but only if it is managed correctly.
A paper produced for the Maltese government entitled the National Climate Change Adaption Strategy took a similar stance to water and agriculture as the Malta Water Association. It recommended that increasing quantities of treated sewage water should be used to augment the current water supplies of farmers. The report notes that policies should be developed to increase the flexibility of agricultural systems and reduce trends that will lead to increased global warming. It also recommends that organic farming should be further promoted as it is a good sustainable alternative to conventional farming. In general this climate change adoption document seems to support farming as an important resource for Malta to have, even if it thinks that farming needs to be improved.
It is important to note that, at the moment, farmers do not pay for much, if any, of their water. According to a 2007 CIHEAM Analytic report, water consumption levels for the agriculture, forestry and fishing sector was a mere 4%. This means that most of the water required for growing crops, which is significant, is drawn through boreholes. If farmers were required to pay for their water, they would have a significantly harder time, financially, to grow their crops.
Looking at the resources I have come across, it seems that people want to support agriculture. Some sources have suggested that farming could be improved for the modern era. For example, irrigation schemes and organic farming could enhance the existing farming methods. However, people seem to want to protect their water supplies to ensure that they still have both good water and food. There are no direct ties between agriculture and national identity, at least none that I have found, but there is still a desire among people for agriculture to continue.
Malta Times Articles:
“Private sector extracting 40,000 litres of water from boreholes...per minute”. Times of Malta. 27 Jul 2011. Web.
Xuereb, Matthew. “Price would serve as ‘deterrent’”. Times of Malta. 14 Sep 2010.
Schembri, David. “Close down all private boreholes”. Times of Malta. 28 Jul 2011.
Schembri, David. ”Private boreholes ‘a social injustice’”. Times of Malta. 8 Nov 2010.
Website of Maltese Water Association:
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Military History
Monday, March 19, 2012
Gozo Underwater Cave Mapping
When we arrived we ran across some tour boats which continued to come to the cave throughout the day, but for the most part we enjoyed uninterrupted access to the cave. In addition to being the first time we had mapped a cave, today was the first time we had ever used the Smart Tether. The Smart Tether is an advanced piece of equipment that contains nodes every couple of meters which use accelerometers, rate-gyro sensors, and magnetic sensors to track the orientation and position of the ROV. The Smart Tether greatly increases the accuracy of our ROV localization which in turn helps us create better maps. In each of our experiments we took turns piloting the ROV, logging data and sketching maps, recording sonar and Smart Tether data, and working the Smart Tether. We started off using the sonar to take horizontal scans of the underwater cave, but we weren't able to get that far into the cave before running out of tether. We decided to add the 80 meter extension to our 40 meter Smart Tether, which allowed us to venture much deeper into the cave. This time we attached the sonar vertically and got some great scans with well-defined cistern-like walls. We ran across many fish, jellyfish, and even an octopus which grabbed onto the ROV. After backing out of the cave, we deployed one more time with the Smart Tether extension to take horizontal sonar scans. We ultimately got about 60 meters in before turning back. Before leaving, we made sure to shoot some underwater video of the ROV with one of the GoPros we brought along.
If all goes well, we should be able to use this data to create 3D maps of the caves using a combination of the horizontal and vertical sonar scans for mapping and Smart Tether logs for localization.