Work on the ROV is progressing nicely. The GoPro's have been mounted to the ROV using modified GoPro hardware. Each GoPro camera came with a set of mountable sticky pads that are designed to be clipped into by GoPro mounting clips. Instead of using the adhesive, holes were drilled into the sticky pads to allow them to mount to the ROV, as shown below.

From the mounting clips the cameras are attached to a series of plastic joints as seen below.

The camera then protrudes from the underside of the ROV, giving a similar view to the main drive camera.

A more complex mounting bracket was installed to hold the Otter Box. It consists of three metal plates. One of these is mounted to the ROV. The other two are used to sandwich the Otter Box. The plates are all bolted together using two bolts at either end of the plates (see image below).

Mounting the bottom plate to the ROV required the use of a number of washers to prevent the plastic on the ROV from bowing towards the metal plate.

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